Posted in Accommodation, Crew Houses, Hotel

Things To Do During Your Long Stay At Cabin Crew Accommodation

After long (and unpredictable) flight hours, you sure are super tired and want to rest. However, during long stretches of downtime, you need something fun and interesting to do.

Maybe the flight got canceled. Maybe the shift changed.

In any case, if you’re stuck in your room/ accommodation near Heathrow airport, here are 3 things you can do to enjoy the downtime:

1. Explore The City

There’s a lot to do in the city, a lot of places to visit. Hit the local clubs, shop in the nearest mall, dine in that fancy restaurant.

Just coming out of hotels near Heathrow airport will unlock people the seamless ways to soak in the outdoor fun with interesting activities.

2. Game Of Thrones Marathon

You know you love the series. It’s been a while since you last watched it.

Get in your bed, cuddle up in the blanket, order soup and Chinese, and go on a GoT marathon.

In case, if you don’t like the show, check out different series on Netflix, pick a good one, and watch the first season in entirety.

(And, oh, don’t use your data. Instead, use complimentary wifi that top hotels usually provide the guests.)

3. Have Some Fun Time With The Crew

Maybe watch a movie together. Or, you can even get together and cook food yourself or play some game. There are too many things you can do with your crew.

Use this downtime to connect with them, know them better. Share some stories and laughs with them. You never know when you might get this opportunity again.

These are 3 things cabin crews can do during their long stretch of breaks.

So, don’t just sit in your room and get bored. Make the most of this time.

First, find the best rooms to rent near Heathrow airport. Second, when off, after you’re well rested, have fun alone or with your crew members; there’s a lot you can do.

Recommended Read : New As A Cabin Crew? From Staying In Crew Houses To Traveling, Enjoy This Profession


Cabins4Crew is a brand new accommodation residence, specifically catering for the needs of airline staff. The site is ideal for Cabin Crew situated at Heathrow Airport and we have tried our level best to simplify the booking process. Location is second to none. Situated on the Bath Road within minutes of Heathrow airport.